UCFToday features article 'Digital Forensics Student on Pace to be on 1st U.S. Cyber Team' highlighting the player journey for the U.S Cyber Team.
The article highlights UCF student Cameron Whitehead, who is studying for his master’s degree in digital forensics. He recently placed second out of 688 competitors in the U.S. Cyber Open, the first qualifying step to join the team.
“The process is very similar to selecting a dream team to compete in the Olympics,” says Tom Nedorost, faculty advisor for the student cybersecurity club, Hack@UCF.
The top 60 finishers will square off next in the upcoming virtual U.S. Cyber Combine Invitational, which will determine the national team to advance to the international event.
"To do well in competitions, you have to compete in competitions, and that often includes losing. While I don’t always do well, I always learn something new that I can take into the next competition."
- Cameron Whitehead, UCF student and US Cyber Games® athlete
Learn more about the US Cyber Games events.